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The Subpod : Composting made easy

Are you someone who has been thinking about composting but don’t have space for chickens or a big compost pile?

Would you like to compost but are not sure about how to get started?

This is the process that we went through.

We knew we wanted to compost but none of the options we came across was a complete system that fit our needs.

Traditional composting can be labor-intensive, require space, and can take weeks (sometimes longer) before it is completely broken down and ready to be added to soil as an amendment.

Compost piles can be smelly and attract rodents and other creatures.

We took a look at our garbage and found that much of our trash was from food scraps.

Not only was it getting stinky quickly from the food waste (not good in our little RV), but we realized that the scraps are viable nutrients that can be used to create soil through composting.

We had been throwing out a viable resource and were interested in closing that loop but, we have a very small yard and needed our composting solution to be contained and efficient.

That’s when we found The Subpod.

What is a Subpod?

The Subpod is a complete vermicomposting system that is designed to be elegant and efficient.

Vermicomposting uses composting worms to turn the food scraps into finished compost that can be fed to your garden in a very short amount of time.

We don’t have to turn the compost because the worms are doing all the work. It never gets stinky and is quickly turned into nutrients that can be added directly to the soil.

Here’s how it works:

  1. We eat food and produce food scraps in the process

  2. Collect the food scraps

  3. Feed the food scraps to the worms in the Subpod

  4. The worms eat the food scraps and digest them

  5. The worms poop and create nutrients for the soil

  6. The nutrients feed our garden to produce veggies

  7. Eat the veggies and the cycle continues

This is what a closed-loop looks like!

What a great way to divert food waste from landfills and give it back to the earth.

So, we have embarked on an experiment in reclaiming our food waste to turn it into viable nutrients for our garden and participate in cultivating regenerative practices in our tiny yard.

Regenerative agricultural practices are a way of restoring natural cycles and repairing damages that have been done to our soil and water.

We can return our own waste to the earth in a way that is healthier for us and healthier for our planet.

Not only does the Subpod divert food waste, but it also composts our paper and cardboard waste.

If everyone participated in feeding the soil their compostable materials, then billions of tons of waste could be diverted right into viable topsoil. This is Regenerative Agriculture!

These same materials decomposing in landfills generate large amounts of damaging methane gas that contribute to the Green House Effect and Global Warming.

We are now diverting large amounts of waste from our trash to the point that we don’t need weekly curbside pickup anymore!

Our Subpod is still new and we are just at the beginning of our composting experiment. We love our Subpod!

Check out the video we made of installing our Subpod Grow Bin System:

Interested in learning more about the Subpod? Check out their website here