Our Story: The Journey Begins

2005 on the road in Austin TX with music in our souls

2005 on the road in Austin TX with music in our souls

Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Our story begins all the way back in 2005.

JACK - the world’s greatest travel buddy

JACK - the world’s greatest travel buddy

Our lives were forever changed when we decided to jump off “the hamster wheel” and chose to become nomads.

We quit our jobs, gave away everything, had a ‘Burn What You Don’t Need’ party with friends. Then, we moved into our Honda station wagon with our instruments and our dog, Jack, and hit the road!

Why did we do that?

Well, we had both been working jobs in the hospitality industry. And, even though we were both really good at our jobs, it seemed like we were spinning our wheels and not really going anywhere.

Each month, work provided for our bills but not much more. We felt like our quality of life could be a lot better.

Is it possible that we could create something more meaningful, a life worth living? Even if it was crazy, we had to try.

Riddle me this:

What is the most valuable commodity that you have? You can spend it, save it, use it and give it, but you can never make more of it.

The answer: Time.

learn more about the fool HERE on AUDIBLE

learn more about the fool HERE on AUDIBLE

The Fool is the mystical symbol of the Nomadic Wanderer in the Tarot. He travels with his knapsack comprised of a blanket and a few snacks – just enough to get through a day.

His faithful dog is his only companion.

He owns almost nothing and is thus, carefree.

It was liberating to realize that we needed far less than society had imposed on us.

If you have a place to rest your head, food, drink, and music in your soul, then you have all that you need!

So, like The Fool in the Tarot, we jumped off the precipice into the unknown.

Once we were free from the work cycle of perpetual exhaustion, our focus shifted. We started to think about what do we really need to be healthy and happy?

The American Dream of the big house and a huge emphasis on choosing a career path is all based on a false ideal that serves the debt-based society.

It’s like we are sold into indentured servitude immediately by going into debt for a college education which, as many people have discovered, has very little value these days.

Then, we work away the best years of our lives in service to someone else’s big dream and then wait until Retirement to live out our own hopes and dreams?

This doesn’t really give anyone a chance to discover their talents or passions.

There must be more to it than this!

As our focus shifted to the things we loved, like music, art, and dance, we began to ask deeper questions like;

-What is it that we truly value?
-What does it mean to live a good life?
-How can we be of service and what do we have to contribute?

Tamara had a old paperback book, “How to live on Nothing” by Joan R. Shortney, that was printed in 1971.

This book highlighted the value of living debt-free and inspired us to see how abundance is evident everywhere in Nature.

When we need less, we have so much more.

Ironically, this little book is out of print and now worth hundreds of dollars online!

These days, people have big houses and big cars that they don’t really own. They have gone into debt for all of it. These things really “own” them.

Even though we had very little, we felt wealthier than many of the people around us living in debt.

That doesn’t mean we didn’t face our fair share of challenges and hardships. The difference was, now our lives were rich with meaningful experiences because we were following our hearts.

Now, almost 16 years later, we have very few regrets. We love our life of voluntary simplicity as Nomadic Artists.

The many years as street performers enriched our lives with treasured memories and epic experiences across the country.

Our advice to anyone out there - don’t waste your one precious life working jobs where you are miserable.

Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
— Howard Thurman

The world doesn’t need more unhappy, unhealthy, sick, and tired people. The future needs us to show up today, and every day, as healthy in body, mind, and spirit as possible!

Every human being has a gift to contribute. What is the gift that you have to bring?

If you could create your ideal life, what would that look like?

Solar Nomads is a call to action: Bring your gifts to the World!

What do you want to create? What kind of future do you want to see?

Start here: start now!

Join us as a fellow Ambassador of the Future Paradigm!

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The Most Important Resource You Have Is Your Own Time & Energy