Ambassadors of The Future Paradigm

IF we can understand ourselves as practice ground for transformation, we can transform the world
— Adrienne Marie Brown, Emergent Strategy

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What does it mean to be an Ambassador of The Future Paradigm?

It means that you want to BE THE CHANGE that you wish to SEE IN THE WORLD.

It means that you want a FUTURE worth LIVING FOR:

a future where WE LIVE IN HARMONY with NATURE.

This means choosing SIMPLE, CLEAN LIVING that is ECOLOGICALLY friendly and FREE from plastics, pesticides, and toxic petroleum products.

A life where we look at the BIGGER PICTURE and see what WE CAN DO to make this WORLD a BETTER PLACE for PEOPLE & THE PLANET one small step at a time.

What kind of FUTURE do you want for your children and grandchildren and future generations?

Do you want them to have access to CLEAN WATER, be able to BREATHE FRESH AIR, to EAT FOOD that is GROWN in HEALTHY SOIL and is FREE of HARMFUL PESTICIDES and HERBICIDES?

Of course, you do! So do we!

ACTION is the antidote to DESPAIR
— Joan Baez

It can often feel overwhelming when we focus on all the problems.

We are proposing that, together, we focus more on SOLUTIONS and EASY steps we can take on a DAILY BASIS in our own lives that will contribute to a future worth living for.

We can START HERE and START NOW by choosing carefully and thoughtfully the products that we use and the food that we eat.

Over time, these seemingly small and simple everyday choices can add up to make a very big difference.


Our focus here at Solar Nomads is on implementing renewable energy, eating locally sourced organic food, and ridding ourselves of plastic and petroleum-based products.

We want to help people make simple choices in their daily lives that allow them to live cleaner, healthier, more ecologically friendly, and move from an extractive, capitalistic model to a regenerative, cooperative model.


Support your local Food Web

We love fresh organic food from our farmer’s market!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Meade

Here are some suggestions of things that you can do to participate in creating the future that is full of hope:

  1. Purchase products that are free of plastic packaging whenever possible. Eliminate plastic bags by bringing your own cloth reusable bags when shopping. Plastic is not recyclable without using toxic chemical processes and we now know most plastics aren’t recyclable at all. The good news is, we are finding lots of companies producing goods that are Zero-waste. We will expand on this in our next blog.

  2. Stop wearing “fast fashion” made out of synthetic fibers. They require chemicals to be processed, do not biodegrade, and release microplastics into the water every wash. Instead, buy clothing that is made using natural fibers like wool, bamboo, and organic cotton (conventional cotton farming is incredibly toxic).

  3. Support renewable energies like solar and wind power whenever possible to end the grip of the dangerous energy industries like coal, nuclear, and “natural” gas on our collective future. <See our article on how we use solar energy here>

  4. Invest in driving electric vehicles because they are much better for the environment. EVs have zero emissions and require a lot less maintenance than gas-powered vehicles. EVs eliminate oil changes, rubber hoses, toxic anti-freeze (lethal to wildlife), and filling up at gas stations. The average gas-powered vehicle has over 2000 moving parts compared to the average EV, which has only 12. In addition to the money you’ll save from driving an EV, there are also tax and rebate incentives. More on that here: Go Electric.

  5. Divert food scraps and paper products from landfills by composting. This not only reduces the release of methane gas into the atmosphere but also contributes to drawing down carbon into the soil where it is beneficial. We got a Subpod for our food scraps and are loving it. <see our article on vermicomposting here>

  6. Localize your food and goods by buying directly from farmers, craftsmen, and artists that live in your bioregion. A great way to find locally produced goods is at Farmer’s Markets. Alternatively, search for farms near you that offer CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). These programs deliver boxes of fresh, seasonal foods weekly. Here in our little valley, we have Lane County Bounty. It’s an amazing resource! Check it out here: Lane County Bounty.


7 ways to Eliminate Plastic One Piece At a Time


The Subpod : Composting made easy